Wednesday 26 June 2013

Nokia Chat WB8: exclusive applications benefit from chatting

mobile phones and smart phones that use the Windows 8 details the basic technology of this time. It will bring more benefit to the Windows phone 8, users can use the mobile phone to the maximum. Windows phone 8 is generally good characteristics, since the running of windows 8, it is a better specification than the specifications common to mobile phones. A mobile phone that uses Windows 8 is automatically, so different and better performance than the other Windows 8-application supports the performance of the cell phone.

You can get some of the benefits, if you choose a mobile phone, which uses a Windows 8 operating system for telecommunications equipment. One of the advantages of using the Windows phone 8 especially for the Nokia stamp is there will be offered exclusive applications. Nokia chat messaging app has released a beta of the Marketplace, specific WB8. It makes you more comfortable, with other people. This application is interested in the design, which can make it easier for people to do, chatting with each other. You can share your location or send a detailed status on them, such as a restaurant, a bar, a café, a school and the other the standard messages.

The life of the tile and the lock screen, push notification, Live tile document previews, voice command and text to speech-composition become the features of Nokia chat, which may be useful to users. Nokia chat becomes the exclusive application, but we do not find it in the all countries of the world. The United State, Canada and the United Kingdom are the places where we can find the Nokia Chat Beta. These countries offer Nokia Chat for all Windows phone 8 users to do, chatting with each other. So many of the people who use this application in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, because it makes them easier and more effective to talk with others