Sunday, 16 June 2013

Top ten iOS 7 properties which was quoted in the jailbreak community

Let's take for granted; iOS 7 borrows heavily from many of your favorite jailbreak tweaks. Even the right to try to, came up with a list of ten different jailbreak tweaks that have inspired the iOS 7 development team.

Yes, the obvious ones are here, such as SBSettings and LiveClock, but not so obvious ones done in the past as well. Check the inside, such as through a visit all 10 jailbreak tweak inspiration video and compare them to the iOS, 7-with his colleagues.

This is probably the most obvious jailbreak tweak for inspiration. In fact, it is almost 1: 1 compromise. Before the iOS 7, the only way that you can get to the real work of the clock app icon was used to jailbreak tweak aptly called LiveClock. iOS 7 is now fully functional clock on the home screen. It is a nice feature, although it is a bit useless on the side of the status bar clock and all. As expected, there is no way to modify the iOS version 7 of the LiveClock; what you see is what you get.

New App Switcher is a pretty significant departure from what we currently have on iOS 6. While Apple probably took inspiration from different sources, such as the webOS, I like to think that the jailbreak tweak called Dash if some idea. Mix in a little Auxo and you have iOS 7 's new App Switcher.

It is basically a SBSettings steroids without any customization that the SBSettings brings to the table. I'm ecstatic to finally introduce the iOS but the level of customization that the SBSettings and other similar improvements than the Auxo, and NCSettings brings to the table to keep us looking forward to jailbreak iOS 7 at the end of the day.

Seven repetitions, and finally put the folder as many items as we would like. There is also a handy search feature, which allows us to add our own mini home screens in each folder inside. Improvements, such as may have been the inspiration for Infinifolders FolderEnhancer and here.

It's not quite the same, but LivePapers is a jailbreak tweak that allows you to have animated wallpaper on jailbroken iPhone. So far, the iOS does not feature dynamic wallpaper effects of drastic LivePapers, but there is certainly room for growth. iOS 7's dynamic wallpapers is an interesting 3D effects that change as you move through the iOS device, which is similar to that of another jailbreak tweak — the DeepEnd.

Safari offers you the ability to use the iOS 7 tabs, such as jailbreak tweak called tabs + unlimited amount.

The new notification Center ditches the opaque linen textures translucent overlay, where you can view the contents of the window drop-down on the back of the eye. Back when the notification Center was all the rage, the jailbreak tweak called FastBlurredNotificationCenter did just that.

Before it was possible to view the notification Center not moved on the screen, such as iOS jailbreak tweak called the bulletin, 7, was in, and it gets you to do something crazy see notification Center right from the lock screen.

SwipeBack is very convenient for the jailbreak tweak that lets you browse through the various menus in the iOS is a simple swipe gesture. iOS 7 approved this operation on a limited basis so that you can use to swipe back to the gestures of the applications, such as e-mail, messages and even the settings.

I've always hated the separation of search and address bar bars stock a Mobile Safari browser. Now, Apple has finally settled on a Safari out of the stone age and has been updated in the omnibox in Google Chrome as a unified search and browser requests. Before the mobile version of Google Chrome showed up to be possible on iOS, jailbreak tweak called the Safari was the UniBar and it gets may be true for a uniform browsing experience.

And, of course, are likely to be many other features can be found at iOS7, which may have inspired the jailbreak community. Have you found any? Share your findings in the comments section