Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Apple iOS 7 second Beta, brings iPad support
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| Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Apple has given a sneak preview of the new look for the appearance of its bigger on mobile devices by iOS, seeding second beta of iOS 7 developers.
After two weeks the first beta were privileged, the Apple iPad has been added to support the new update.
In the past, only 7 available for download IOS for the iPhone and iPod Touch.
According to 9to5Mac's friends practice 7 iOS iPad, new interface really is suitable for larger screen, as well as, if not better than Apple's 4-inch devices.
However, the blog said, the differences are few and far between, and many applications, such as the notification Center, Siri, and the Control Center to feel "less the iPad optimized" and more like "blown up versions of iPhone app."
However, there is some nuance. The music app is different from the iPhone and iPad (because it was the iOS 6), while there is a new version of the iPad-own Photo Booth app flatter interface.
However, it is important to remember that this is the Tablet's first experience with iOS 7 is much more of a beta build before the final version of the software will be released later this year.
It is entirely possible that things will change dramatically at the time, and bring a more optimized apps followed by slate.
In addition to the iPad optimization is a bit of other improvements or new features to speak of, except for the usual bug fixes.
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